TV Binges, the right way
I've learned that watching irreverent TV comedies with my kids is a pretty decent parenting tool as they get older.
I steer us toward characters who bicker, love and evolve as a team. Added bonus when an episode hits on a deeper theme; it gives us an opening to talk. These shows typically hit up against sex and sexism, racism, family, and interpersonal dynamics, but they’re all really funny with good heart.
I’ll always recommend these classics (for middle school and up), all available on streaming channels:
Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Stellar. Lots of Andy Samberg and SNL influences, but Andre Brauer steals the show as the iconic Captain Holt.
Modern Family. Don’t know how I missed it during its original run. Every episode lands. No notes.
Parks & Recreation. I recommend starting at Season 3, when the show hits its stride. The show riffs on The Office but is a lot more loving.
Young Sheldon. Surprisingly this one has been a gentle hit for all of us (Annie Potts as Sheldon’s grandma does it for me).
YouTube is chock full of clips of cold opens and other great moments from these shows, to give you a sense, but I’ll leave you with perhaps the World’s Greatest Cold Open, in my 44-year-old opinion, from Brooklyn Nine-Nine...